Determination of the efficiency of the operation of uv systems depending on the factors of influence and technical maintenance

  • A. Semenov
  • T. Sakhno
Keywords: efficiency of UV systems, maintenance, radiant flux, conservation factor


The paper presents the results of the effectiveness of ultraviolet systems of bactericidal action at different stages of operation and the establishment of factors that must be controlled during maintenance. The UV system of photobiological or photochemical action, performing the functions of bactericidal disinfection of water, air or pre-sowing irradiation of agricultural seeds, is determined by the parameters of the ultraviolet source – the radiation flux and its reduction over time. The radiation dose depends on the radiant flux power and irradiation time, which determines the efficiency of UV systems. The purpose of the work is to study the factors influencing the efficiency of ultraviolet systems of bactericidal action and to study the need for periodic maintenance. Research methodology. Guide to the maintenance of electric lighting systems (CIE 97: 2005, IDT). Results. Factors influencing the efficiency of the UV system: reduction of radiation flux; service life of the source (survival of lamps); lamp replacement; pollution of lamps and fixtures; stability support coefficient. Calculated taking into account the studied UV systems of air and water disinfection: the coefficient of conservation of the radiant flux of different types of UV lamps (LLMF); lamp survival rate (LSF), stability support factor (MF). The obtained results indicate a decrease in the coefficient of stability from 26 % to 37 %. Moreover, the decrease in the coefficient of preservation of stability increases with increasing power of the radiation source and with the growth of the category of pollution of the premises. The dependence of these indicators should be taken into account in the development of UV systems of photobiological and photochemical action, as well as pay attention to periodic maintenance. Conclusions. Each UV system should be designed with an overall stability factor for the selected equipment, environment and maintenance schedule (program). The maintenance program should determine the intervals of cleaning of lamps, radiation chambers, lamps and premises, the frequency of lamp replacement.


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How to Cite
Semenov, A., & Sakhno, T. (2021). Determination of the efficiency of the operation of uv systems depending on the factors of influence and technical maintenance. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 97-104.