System of technical regulation and conformity assessment of Ukraine and China. Comparative analysis of legislation on product quality and safety
The article presents the results of monitoring the situation regarding technical regulation and regulatory requirements in Ukraine and China. The essence of asymmetries that are present in the legislative, technical and practical areas of activity in matters of product quality is explained. The analysis of discrepancies between normative requirements of quality and safety of industrial and food production is given. The main obstacles to the free transfer of goods and services between the two countries are indicated. The evolution of the formation of the system of technical regulation in China and the measures that ensured the reform of the system of technical regulation in Ukraine are traced. The results of this monitoring will harmonize the processes of economic policy implementation in the direction of integrating Ukrainian goods into Chinese markets. The main conclusion of the article is the proposals to remove technical barriers to trade between Ukraine and China. This will regulate the harmonization of technical regulation systems in both countries, as well as modernize and increase the competitiveness of the state economy as a whole.
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