Ecological packaging of the products of bakery and confectionary industry: technological considerations and technical regulation
Purpose of the study. Scientific substantiation for the use of edible coatings and biodegradable packaging materials, in particular bioplastics, for packaging various types of products in the bakery and confectionary industry. Methods. To carry out the research, a systematic approach to researching factual materials, in particular, scientific and scientific-practical literature, normative legal acts, normative documents, and the like; an abstract-logical approach to the generalization of research results and the formulation of conclusions were used. Research results. Nowadays, edible packaging coatings, biodegradable plastics, and bio-based materials obtained from renewable resources that can be used for a number of food products with a limited shelf life are in practice for packaging bakery and confectionery products. Bio-based materials shall protect products from environmental influences and ensure the preservation of quality during transportation and storage. Critical aspects are mechanical and barrier properties for oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, light and odors. In addition, safety aspects (migration, microbial growth), resistance (heat and chemical) and technological requirements should be taken into account when choosing packaging materials for foods. Now domestic regulatory documents do not contain any norms establishing the rules for ecological packaging (materials, technologies, etc.). To eliminate this discrepancy, guideline has been developed for modifying regulatory documents of various levels, namely, adding rules and requirements for biological packaging of bakery and confectionary products. Conclusions. The developed "Guideline for ecological packaging of bakery and confectionery products" covers the biological and technical basics of ecological biodegradable and edible packaging of these goods, as well as promising materials and methods used for the purpose. This Guideline provides guidance on the changes that the standards and specifications must undergo to accommodate regulatory requirements for sustainable packaging of bakery and confectionery products.
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