Keywords: healthy nutrition, wellness-industry, vegetarianism, cheesecake, superfood, coconut milk, psyllium, innovative food products


The possibilities of vegetarian food in the concept of the wellness industry are considered. The recipe composition and technology for preparing a vegetarian cheese dessert is suggested, which is advisable to use in the concept of wellness nutrition. The developed product is a cheesecake, the technology of which involves the preparation of dough for a tart, which serves as the basis of the dessert, using oat flour, psyllium, dates fruits and walnuts. The curd mass used to fill tarts is prepared on the basis of coconut milk and walnuts, honey is used as a sweetener, and agar is used as a stabilizing gelling agent. It is suggested to cover the surface of the dessert with raspberry filling. The possibility of using psyllium to improve the moisture content of the dough for the preparation of tarts was studied, which provides the necessary degree of wetting of the dessert during the stuff with cheese filling and during the storage of the finished dessert, and also serves as an additional source of dietary fiber. The recipe composition of the cheese filling for the dessert of vegetarian food was selected, taking into account changes of the fatty-acidcomposition of the mass. The technological parameters of the preparation of coconut cheese filling or cake by the mass walling method have been established to give the finished product an airy texture. The technology of dessert preparation is described, the chemical composition of finished products of coconut dessert is investigated. A comparative analysis was made of a cheesecake dessert prepared according to traditional technology and recipe.


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How to Cite
STEPANOVA, V. S., ATANASOVA, V. V., KOZONOVA, J. O., MENCHYNSKA, A. A., & OCHKOLYAS, O. M. (2023). VEGETARIANITY AS A VECTOR FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WELLNESS-INDUSTRY. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 11-17.