• T. SEMKO
Keywords: functional properties, compounding, technology, east sweetnesses, shekerpare, cherry juice, nuts, food value


Today, the popularity of oriental sweets is obvious and undeniable, which creates a basis for their study in order to provide the necessary functional properties for the consumer. The purpose of this study is to improve the recipe of Turkish sweets and analysis of the technological process of its production on the example of cookies "shekerpare". In the article short historical digression is considered in relation to an origin and distribution of east sweetnesses, their assortment and classification, features of compounding and technology of classic Turkish shekerpare, compounding of the improved good is presented and the technological process of his making is analysed. Expediency of introduction is reasonable to compounding of sherbet of cherry juice, it is marked his functional properties. The flowsheet of preparation of шекерпаре is worked out cherry. On the basis of research of food value of the worked out good and comparison of her with classic shekerpare drawn conclusion in relation to the features of his consumption by the forecast consumer, decline of unit cost, and thus, to the increase of her competitiveness due to substituting to the almond by the Greek nut, and lemon-juice in composition a sherbet on cherry juice. Cherry juice in comparing to lemon is regional raw material, that for the Ukrainian consumer is genetically receptive and clear. A product is made from the ripe garden-stuffs of cherry ordinary the method of quetching, and he is distinguished by tart, sweet-and-sour taste (depending on a select sort) and crimson color. The benefit of cherry juice for the organism of man is determined him by chemical composition. All higher the stated confirms possibility of grant of functional properties to the Turkish pastry wares, in particular shekerpare, by using of fresh cherry juice for minimum thermal treatment him. Сomparing the food value of improved shekerpare it is possible to draw conclusion to classic, that calorie content of one portion worked out on 35 kkal increased comparatively with classic, however, good purchased new functional properties due to the presence of cherry juice and walachian nut.


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How to Cite
SEMKO, T., & IVANISHCHEVA, O. (2022). TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF EXPANSION OF ASSORTMENT OF TURKISH SWEETNESSES ARE BY THE USE OF REGIONAL RAW MATERIAL. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 95-100.