Keywords: dishes, minced meat semi-finished products, food value, restaurant business


Many studies have found that nutrition may should be regular and balanced according to the needs of each individual. But for a modern person with a busy pace of life is also relevant to the speed and complexity of cooking in everyday nutrition. Therefore, the problem of using semi-finished products in the restaurant industry remains relevant. The use of semi-finished products has a significant disadvantage, namely – the narrowing of the range of dishes and culinary products. Therefore, the topical problem is the creation of semi-finished products that can be used to prepare a wide range of dishes and culinary products. The aim of the work is scientific and practical substantiation of perspective directions of using new frozen minced semi-finished products (SFP) in the restaurant industry when creating a new culinary production. The authors of the article have identified the main directions of use of SFP for the production of restaurants. The authors have developed separate technologies of dishes and culinary products using SFP. The peculiarity of cooking and culinary products from the developed semi-finished products is that after thawing and minor finishing (depending on the type of dish may be added additional ingredients) minced meat can be used to prepare a wide range of dishes and ready meals do not require additional use of garnish. The authors of the article compared the nutritional value of ready meals with the use of minced meat semi-finished products with traditional dishes according to the formula of a balanced diet. It has been experimentally established that dishes using minced meat semi-finished products are more balanced than control samples of “classic” dishes, so the standard deviations from the formula of a balanced diet in experimental dishes are 3.13… 5.34 times lower than dishes made by traditional technology.


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How to Cite
HIRENKO, N., & KRAMARENKO, D. (2022). PROSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS OF USING NEW FROZEN STUFFED SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS IN THE RESTAURANT. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 18-22.