Keywords: method of preparation, triticale grain, nutritional value, flakes, health products


We have developed and scientifically grounded the method of obtaining flakes of increased biological value from triticale grain. The technological process includes stages: preparation of grain for processing, hydrothermal treatment of prepared raw materials under low temperature conditions in three cycles, each of which includes intensive moisture and prolonged distraction, which contributes to the biological activation of grain; flattening, drying of flakes; screening, packing. After the first intensive moistening of the grain, it is provided for its treatment with infrared irradiation with constant mixing, the thickness of the grain layer is 20…25 cm. At the same time, the capacity of infrared lamps is 230…260 W/m2, the distance from the grain placement plane to the lamp is 25…30 cm, the duration of the process is 58-60 s. It has been experimentally established that IR irradiation pre-soaked within 2…4 hours of grain, stimulates physiological parameters, in particular energy and germination ability, further intensifies the processes of vitamins synthesis in grain. It is noted that in the process of this complex treatment, the amount of vitamin C increases 2…3 times, tocopherols – 3…4 times, compared with the initial content of triticale grain, significantly increases the content of B vitamins, in particular, thiamine and riboflavin. It has been established that grain irradiation for longer than 60 seconds is undesirable due to excessive grain overheating, which negatively affects the biological activation process. The influence of biological activation, which is combined with IR irradiation, on the change in the content of vitamins and basic energy compounds of grain is investigated. The indicators of microbiological stability of flakes based on triticale grain prepared according to the developed method are investigated. It has been established that microbiological contamination does not exceed the acceptable values and during 6 months of storage such grain products are safe in terms of microbiological purity.


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How to Cite
BAZHAY-ZHEZHERUN, S., BEREZA-KINDZERSKA, L., & BASHTA, A. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHOD OF OBTAINING FLAKES OE HEALTH PURPOSE ON THE BASIS OF TRITICALE GRAIN. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 7-11.