Rational parameters of the fermentation process of natural juices

  • N. Rogovaja
Keywords: juices, natural juices, technology of processing of raw material, canning concentrated (spissated), vegetable juices, juices, fermentation, are dried up


The aim of the article consists in development of new types of natural juices on the basis of the fermented birch sap research. For determination of duration of fermentation (τ) of birch sap, at that it is possible to provide necessary acidity of birch sap due to the accumulation of suckling acid, depending on the initial concentration of sugars of c0 it is necessary to investigate conformities to law of process of fermentation. Taking into account the described character of conformities to law of kinetics of accumulation of suckling acid it is possible to recommend as rational duration of process of fermentation in a 4 twenty-four hours. At this duration the high enough is arrived at degree of accumulation of suckling acid. The further increase of duration results in considerable deceleration of process of fermentation that is not rational. Analysing receipt results it should be noted that even after heat treatment and storage the worked out types of juices have considerable activity, reducing the amount of microorganisms of the investigated stamms in 30 and even more than times.


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How to Cite
Rogovaja, N. (2021). Rational parameters of the fermentation process of natural juices. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2020-1-4