• Inna Bitiuk Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Oksana Berdychevska Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: culture, volunteering, charity, war, funding of culture, grants, cultural policy


The purpose of the article is to consider the problems of the functioning of the cultural sector in the conditions of martial law. Economic and social problems that are affecting the work of the cultural sphere of activity. The problem of financing the cultural sphere. Investigate the conditions and possibilities of the work of cultural and leisure institutions (houses of culture, theaters, cinemas, concert venues, libraries, museums) and the problems related to the war. Research methodology. The goal of the article was achieved by such methods as: analytical research, logical summarization of the information and structural analysis of the materials. A study of the cultural and leisure sphere of activity since the beginning of the full-scale invasion (February 24, 2022) was conducted: the general functioning of cultural institutions, special operating conditions of institutions, reduction of funding, charity events, volunteer and charitable activities of cultural workers, the problem of personnel support, etc. The formats of events and changes in work that occurred during the full-scale invasion were studied. Among them are such features as: conducting events in conditions of martial law, curfew, algorithm of actions during air alarms and others. There were conducted the analytical studies of charitable activities among the population, both in Ukraine and abroad. The number of charity events, which were held since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, was analyzed. Findings. The article examines volunteer activities aimed at helping internally displaced people (migrants) and charitable activities for the military, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, specifically among workers in the cultural sphere of activity. Practical value. Examples of the use of modern technologies and special effects in cinematography and their implementation on the international market are given. There have been formulated the recommendations on the functioning and economic development of the cultural sector both during the war and for the post-war period. The article suggests innovative methods of work to popularize Ukrainian cultural heritage both in Ukraine among the population and in the world.


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How to Cite
Bitiuk, I., & Berdychevska, O. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPHERE OF CULTURE IN THE PERIOD OF MARTIAL STATUS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (110), 96-99.