The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of an automated restaurant management system. The purpose of the article is to study the effectiveness of using modern automated management systems for restaurant establishments. Today, in the modern world of automation of processes in restaurants, an approach that will allow to remain competitive in the market in the hospitality industry is required. First of all, the automation of business processes is aimed at increasing the efficiency of enterprise management, obtaining quick results and minimizing the cost of owning information technologies. Professional software facilitates the work of the staff, the employees of the establishment will be able to pay more attention to the guest. Automation will save time and money, and work will become more efficient. Thanks to the automated restaurant management system, the training of new employees will be faster and more efficient. Modern enterprises require the most modern management methods. Making management decisions in the conditions of a constantly changing dynamic environment requires not only analysis, but also ensuring the correspondence between the external micro-environment, the external macro-environment and the results of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. In connection with the active development of the restaurant industry, interest in the automation of management is constantly growing. Restaurant development is impossible without the introduction of modern automated management systems. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following methods: logical generalization, structural analysis, and analytical method. Findings. The main characteristics and functional possibilities of using the automated restaurant management system, the strengths and weaknesses of the software are determined. The main tasks of the software for the organization of service processes are defined. Practical value. Familiarization with the materials of this article provides an opportunity for a clear understanding of the main advantages and disadvantages of implementing an automated restaurant management system, depending on the functionality of the enterprise, for effective management and competitiveness of the restaurant industry.
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