The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and applied aspect of the effectiveness of financial management of a capable educational network of territorial communities (TC). Methodology of research. The goal was achieved using the following research methods: empirical, analytical, abstract-logical. Findings. It is investigated that the processes of decentralization in Ukraine in the field of education have given significant powers to TC - the formation of an effective system of providing educational services to community residents.The powers of TC in the field of education are highlighted and the main risks that arise in the process of providing educational services at the local level are identified. The key elements of financial decentralization of education development management are identified. Sources of financing of general secondary education institutions in Ukraine are revealed. Positive dynamics of financing of the sphere of education of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization is revealed. Indicators of financial capacity of the educational network of TC of Zhytomyr region are analyzed.Problematic issues of forming a capable educational network have been identified. The factors of formation of financial potential of communities in the field of education are determined. The role of strategic management of education development as an effective mechanism that will ensure sustainable development of communities is determined. Features of the process of managing the strategic development of education are described. The priority directions of reforming and improving the financial mechanism of investment of general secondary education institutions in the conditions of decentralization of power with the use of foreign experience are singled out. Practical value. It is proved that human capital is a specific reserve of resource provision of territorial communities. It is substantiated that the participation of local governments, educational institutions and community residents in the decision-making process on education development will contribute to the rational distribution of budget funds, increase access to quality education, especially in rural areas.
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