• Nadiia Antonenko National Transport University
  • Marina Grabolyuk National Transport University
  • Natalia Semenchenko National Transport University
Keywords: information protection, database, information security, data security, data protection, unauthorized access


The purpose of the article is to study the existing problems in ensuring the protection of databases in information systems. Methodology of research. Methods of logical generalization and scientific abstraction were used to achieve this goal. Results. The urgency of ensuring the protection of all modern corporate systems from unauthorized access has been confirmed. In the process of analyzing security problems, database protection models are considered. It is also noted that there are two groups of methods of information protection in database management systems: the first – protection of records and fields of database tables; password protection; encryption; separation of access rights to database objects, the second – methods to ensure the integrity of table relationships; built–in data control tools; methods of organizing the sharing of database objects in the network. Both positive and negative aspects of key methods of combating unauthorized access to databases are revealed. The main security models that ensure the confidentiality of information are studied, as well as the procedures for identification of persons, their authentication and authorization in databases are considered. The stages of evolution of information protection in database management systems (DBMS) are considered. Modern complex problems of theoretical and practical character at creation of system of protection of databases are allocated. It is proved that the role model of database protection is the most acceptable for use in modern DBMS. Measures have been formulated to build affordable server security systems that specialize in processing large data sets. Findings. It is determined that the prospects of further research in the direction of creating reliable database protection systems are harmonization and improvement of existing methods of information environment protection by developing methods of unification of protection mechanisms, systematization of DBMS vulnerabilities and formalization of modern data protection models. The practical significance of the research results. The use in practice of the proposed security models will increase the effectiveness of measures to ensure the protection of databases in information systems.


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How to Cite
Antonenko, N., Grabolyuk, M., & Semenchenko, N. (2021). PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION PROTECTION IN MODERN DATABASES. ANNOTATION. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 106-110.