The purpose of the article consists in the statistical evaluation of the investment cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the presented research is comprised of modern theories, concepts and hypotheses. The following general scientific and specific methods, that ensure the reliability of findings and conclusions, were employed: dialectical, gnoseological and logical methods; methods of induction, deduction, scientific abstraction and generalization; structural analysis; modalities of the abstract-logical method; statistical evaluation; forecasting methods. Results. The paper outlines the problems in the analysis of direct investment from Ukraine in other countries as a consequence of ensuring the fulfilment of requirement of the Law of Ukraine «On state statistics» with regard to the confidentiality of statistical information. A statistical evaluation of the investment cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries has been conducted for the period of 2015–2020. A negative impact of the COVID-19 Crisis upon the indicators of direct investments in Ukraine from the EU has been proven. The article further incorporates the forecast of direct investments in Ukraine from EU countries over the period of 2021–2025 according to three scenarios (realistic, pessimistic, optimistic) on the basis of exponential smoothing. It has been suggested to combine macro- and microanalysis of foreign investments with the purpose of obtaining reliable and relevant information in relation to unofficial investment flows. It is essential to enhance the motivation of domestic investors to invest their funds into fixed-capital assets of domestic enterprises. Regrettably, as the practical experience has shown, at the earliest possible opportunity domestic investors transfer their funds into other countries, as a rule into offshore financial centers. Such fact undoubtedly impairs Ukraine’s investment attractiveness for a foreign investor. Further research prospects within the projected subject domain concern the development of the gravity model of connections for the nature of direct investments between Ukraine and EU countries, for instance the cross-border investment cooperation, according to the following factors: GDP per capita of the country; geographical distance between Ukraine and donor countries; the population size of the country. Practical significance of research results. Practical implementation of proposed theoretical-applied approaches will allow to substantiate the fiscal and financial policy of stimulating the attraction of direct investments in Ukraine.
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