• Anna Pereverzieva Zaporizhzhia National University
  • Iryna Lazneva "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National university
Keywords: economic risks, business strategy, entering the international market, openness of the economy, international competitiveness, management, opportunities, internal and external factors


The purpose of the article is to analyze the economic risks that arise in the activities of enterprises in the international market in order to manage them and reduce the negative impact. Methodology of research. To isolate economic risks, the method of abstraction was used, which allowed to focus on key aspects of the enterprise in the international market in terms of threats and risks. To determine the characteristics and analysis of types of economic risks, such general scientific methods as description, analysis and synthesis were used. The use of scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists allowed to deepen the research by conducting a comparative analysis of existing approaches to understanding risks and mechanisms for effective management. Findings. The contradiction of the concept of "risk" as a combination of two concepts of "danger" and "opportunity" is substantiated, which confirms the fact that risk can provide opportunities for improvement and growth, on the one hand, and threaten the effective operation of the enterprise in the international market. The classification of risks in international business on the following grounds: internal, external, global. For international business, internal risks are primary and decisive, and external threats are secondary, as they can be exacerbated, weakened or offset by internal factors. Six main elements of the risk management process are identified, namely: creating a background of risks; risk identification; assessment of the probability and probability of the consequences of risks; development of strategies to reduce these risks; monitoring and evaluation of consequences; communication and consultations with all involved partners. It is substantiated that risks are an opportunity to improve one's own business model and find new creative methods to increase the results of one's activity at the expense of available human, social and emotional capital. Practical value. The practical use of the results of economic risk analysis will identify ways to reduce the negative impact of economic risks or turn them into benefits and opportunities for improvement and development. competitiveness, management, opportunities, internal and external factors.


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How to Cite
Pereverzieva, A., & Lazneva, I. (2021). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECT OF ENSURING THE EFFECTIVENESS FOR FINANCING STRATEGY OF THE WORKING CAPITAL AT THE ENTERPRISE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 87-90.