• Tymur Kalchenko State Higher Educational Institution Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: economics, market, militarization, conflicts, principles, model, capitalism, profit, crisis, problems, strategy, innovativeness


The relevance of the article is determined by the permanent crisis of global economic relations, when there is an urgent need to understand its causes, the nature and its fundamental consequences. The main objectives of the study were: to determine basic conflict drivers, to demonstrate the features of the current crisis of capitalist relations, to propose principles of alternative management of global processes. One of the main problems of the global economy is the issue of ensuring sustainable development for most countries and regions of the world. The article, based on current trends in global development, aims to identify the key causes of turbulence and permanent conflict in world markets. The research methodology The research was mainly based on the use of the results of secondary research, the use of scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, observations, processing of expert assessments and more. The article states that trade, being one of the first forms of international economic relations, was based on the specific ideology of nomads, for whom profit was the main motivator of activity. It is determined that such an orientation in the future formed a mainly chrematistic approach to understanding global economic relations, when a fair and equal exchange is inferior to the exploitation and depletion of the resources of a potential adversary. It is concluded that such a disparity in the distribution of world GDP causes the vast majority of global problems, the solution of which is possible only with the introduction of new principles and regulatory mechanisms of trade relations. The practical value of the article is to identify the root causes of global economic conflict, which are not a set of interests, not aggressive and unpredictable development, but the wrong ideological perception of the modern form of management, which is chrematistic, is based mainly on exchanges and sales. Of seized resources and wealth, while real economic laws based on the labor of specific producers, the exchange of its results and the even distribution of world profits are ignored by the majority of the participants in modern global relations.


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How to Cite
Kalchenko, T. (2021). THE GLOBALIZATION’S CRISIS AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STABILIZATION PROBLEM. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 76-80.