The purpose of the article is to analyze structural changes in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of Ukraine's economy, assess structural changes between sectors by key macroeconomic indicators for 2010–2019, develop recommendations for the formation of optimal and progressive sectoral structure of the national economy. Methodology of research. The achievement of the purpose set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, grouping and classification, structural analysis, scientific abstraction, statistical methods. Findings. An analysis of the dynamics of change in the structure of Ukraine's economy in terms of three sectors in terms of gross domestic product and employment. Regularities of development of the structure of Ukraine's economy in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors based on indicators of intermediate consumption, wages, gross profit and mixed income, exports and imports. The coefficients of sectoral contribution and elasticity of imports by national income in the context of three sectors of the Ukrainian economy were calculated. On the basis of the conducted sectoral analysis the basic tendencies of sectoral shifts in the economy of Ukraine are revealed: an increase in the share of the tertiary sector, which corresponds to the global trend of tertiaryization, but carries the risks of deindustrialization; in terms of the total sectoral contribution to the formation of Ukraine's GDP, the first place is occupied by the primary sector of the economy, the second – the tertiary, the third – the secondary; growth of the share of the employed population in the sphere of services, mainly in wholesale and retail trade, which preserves the progressive structural changes in the national economy; in the structure of intermediate consumption of economic sectors, the costs of services-drivers of innovative development – education, information and communication technologies, scientific and technical activities – play an important role. Practical value. The identified trends allowed to form recommendations for the formation of an optimal and progressive sectoral structure of Ukraine's economy.
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