The purpose of the study is: to assess the current level of scientific interest in topics related to the concept of "digital skills", highlighting the most relevant aspects of the study of this issue; identifying priority areas for further research on digital skills as a prerequisite and factor for the development of the digital economy. The analysis of scientific publications was carried out using bibliometrics methods the analytical module and the VOSviewer software. Methodology of research. The paper presents an analysis of the semantic spectrum, a dynamic and structural analysis of the qualitative characteristics of publications, indexed in the science-metric database The presented analytical materials make it possible to identify the problem of digital skills research as a relatively young, but very rapidly growing field of research, which has a high social priority. The leading centers of scientific development of this problem, the authors and sponsors of such publications have been identified. The results of static and dynamic analysis of keywords of publications, carried out using the VOSviewer software, are presented. TOP topics of scientific publications are the study of the phenomenon of digital skills, the process of their formation in the educational process, and for students in particular, the impact of e-learning on digital skills (or the possibility of forming digital skills using e-learning), digital literacy as an integral assessment of the level of mastering digital skills, the digital divide that arises between individuals as a result of different levels of digital skills. There are 4 clusters of scientific research on digital skills: 1) implementation and use of information systems and digital devices; the importance of digital skills for employment; 2) systems and methods for the formation of digital skills, 3) the impact of ICT and the Internet on the quality of human capital; 4) priority tasks for the development of educational and public services in the context of Covid-19. The practical significance of the study is that it identifies priority areas for further research in the field of digital skills – empirical research aimed at identifying the real state, problems and obstacles to the development of digital skills by various strata of society, citizens of different ages, areas of residence, property status, educational level, social status and the like.
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