• Belous Sofiia Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
  • Anna Gritsyshyn Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Iryna Munkachiy Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: event management, event, event tourism, event tour, festival tourism


The purpose of the study is to study the basic principles, features, problems of event management in Ukraine and methods of solving them, economic aspects of event tourism. Research methodology. The achievement of the goal in the article is carried out using the following research methods: theoretical for analysis and systematization, classification and generalization; comparative analysis to study events; analysis to study and compare event handouts. Results. The work of scientists in the field of defining the concepts of event and festival tourism has been studied. Based on the study of a number of popular events, the main problems of event tourism management are identified, including the lack of effective legislation, effective statistical reporting, seasonality, lack of national marketing company national event product, lack of favorable investment climate. It is generalized that event tourism management is one of the most complex types of management activities, which in turn complicates the use of all a number of approaches and management methods, a number of reasons are identified: the temporary nature of the event; instability of the team; the need to attract equipment; lack of a stable organizational structure. The practical significance of the research results. Having identified the problems, the importance of building an effective management system at all levels: from the state to tour operators and event organizers, as well as modernization and updating the content of the event product, improving its quality to world standards. To this end, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the development of event tourism at the state level; national marketing strategy for event tourism and ensure its financing; create a training system; create a favorable investment climate; develop an algorithm for the most efficient use of the event and as a result of obtaining the highest possible profit, maximizing the retention period of public attention and demand; in the framework of the organization and holding of events to focus the attention of all parties on the rational use of resources and preservation of the environment; to develop an up-to-date calendar of events for the year, at the expense of economic mechanisms (in particular, reduction of taxes), to stimulate travel agencies to develop tours on the basis of event tourism; to ensure the proper safety of tourists during the events.


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How to Cite
Sofiia, B., Gritsyshyn, A., & Munkachiy, I. (2021). PROBLEMS AND DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT OF EVENT MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 51-55.