• Viktoriia Khmurova Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Ruslan Levitsky Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: company crisis, financial crisis, the method of rapid crisis diagnosis, the method of fundamental crisis diagnosis, insolvency


The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the diagnosis of the company's financial crisis in terms of insolvency prevention. A financial crisis is the likelihood of insolvency and bankruptcy of an entity that is below break-even point or lacks the capacity to perform better, and is an unplanned process of limited activity and limited ability to influence financial relationships with unpredictable outcomes that threatens further existence. and enterprise development. In the context of the general economic downturn, most economic entities are in crisis, namely enterprises and organizations of certain industries and sectors of the economy, especially material production, which is most sensitive to changes in the phases of the economic cycle. Bankruptcy is one of the main elements of a market economy, as it creates a competitive business environment by removing inefficient businesses from the market. In addition, the bankruptcy mechanism is designed to restore the solvency of enterprises that are temporarily in a difficult situation, and subject to the application of reorganization procedures, they are able to continue to operate effectively in the market. Research methodology.Achieving the goal set in the article is carried out using the following research methods: monographic, descriptive, methods of comparative analysis, as well as the use of qualitative, graphical methods and grouping methods. Results. It is proposed to diagnose the financial crisis as a measure to prevent insolvency and bankruptcy. The efficiency of enterprises depends on how quickly, timely and fully they can perform calculations, which in turn depends on the efficiency of enterprise management. The consequences of bankruptcy for the state are extremely negative, as the functioning of financially unstable enterprises leads to a deterioration of the economic situation in the country. In addition, the disappearance of one enterprise can lead to disruption of technological chains in production, increasing social tensions. The practical significance of the research results. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will increase the efficiency of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Khmurova, V., & Levitsky, R. (2021). DIAGNOSIS OF THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL CRISIS AS A MEASURE TO PREVENT INSOLVENCY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2021-2-5