Keywords: blockchain, smart contract, supply chain management, enterprise, Ethereum, ERC-1155


The purpose of the article is to consider modern methods of supply chain management using blockchain technology and smart contracts. The article is devoted to the study of cost optimization in supply chain management using smart contracts based on the Ethereum platform, by integrating the latest standards for the transfer of different types of contracts to store data blocks. The use of the above approach is considered to obtain the ability to track ways of modifying resources into the final product in production processes, by creating timelines for tracking the final product after processing, and obtaining information about product inputs and resources expended. Methodology of research. The solution of the tasks set in the article has been made with the use of general scientific and special methods of theoretical research, such as: analysis, systematization of generalization, design approach. The chosen methods for carrying out scientific research are determined by the nature of the research object, the nature of the study area and available resources as the main factors of methodological selection. Findings. A review of modern methodologies in the field of supply chain management has been done. A model of using blockchain technology in supply chain management in accordance with modern standards has been developed. The feasibility of using different types of contracts that support the processing of different types of goods in a single transaction, in the supply chain management model involving modern blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum has been analyzed. The efficiency of using different types of contracts to optimize the storage of information in data blocks placed in a chain of blocks using blockchain technology has been analyzed. Practical value. The article substantiates the expediency of using a new standard of different types of contracts of the Ethereum platform – ERC-1155, which supports the processing of different types of goods in one transaction, in the supply chain management model to optimize costs. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the ERC-1155 standard in supply chain management.


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How to Cite
Rohoza, M., & Smirnov, F. (2021). THE USE OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONTRACTS IN BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 22-26.