The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the concepts of "adaptation" and "adaptability" as the basis for the formation of theoretical foundations for the creation of adaptive-oriented management system of economic security of the enterprise. Research methodology. Achieving the goal set in the article is carried out using the following research methods: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the terms "adaptation" and "adaptability"; synthesis and analysis – to substantiate the feasibility of applying an adaptive-oriented approach in the process of ensuring the security of the socio-economic system; morphological analysis – to substantiate the meaning of the term "adaptive-oriented management system of economic security of the enterprise", in particular in terms of the need to adapt to the impact of individual threats through adaptation; graphic – for a visual presentation of theoretical and methodological material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and conclusions of the study. Results. Through generalization and careful study of scientific achievements, a number of key approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "adaptation" and "adaptability" have been identified, which allowed to present our own definition from the standpoint of ensuring the security of the socio-economic system. Adaptation is proposed to mean the controlled process of making changes in the activities of the enterprise in order to adapt to external and internal factors to achieve a balance of interests of the external and internal environment as a basis for continued operation and development. Adaptability is defined as the ability of an enterprise to adapt to instability in functioning by restructuring internal processes and the order of interaction with external security actors based on the implementation of the adaptation program and the formed resource provision.The essence of the term "adaptive-oriented management system of economic security of the enterprise" is substantiated as one that focuses on changes in the parameters and process of interaction of subjects and objects of security in accordance with the processes in external and internal environment, based on adaptive potential, in order to adapt to the impact of threats in order to maintain sustainability and achieve corporate interests. The practical significance of the results. Application in practice of the formed theoretical bases will promote improvement of operating systems of management of economic safety with the corresponding stabilization in functioning of the enterprises.
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