• Liudmyla Kushnir Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: socio-economic development, management strategy, gross domestic product, employment, correlation and regression analysis, social responsibility


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of the country's socio-economic development on the formation of an organization's management strategy in the context of sustainable development. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, analytical, index methods and correlation-regression analysis. Findings. The Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine have been analyzed, the dynamics of the country's gross domestic product in actual prices, the physical volume of GDP and employment in terms of indices as compared to the previous year during 2010-2020 has been investigated. A normative model of gross domestic product in actual prices is built and the quantitative influence of the factor of employment of the population on the formation of its value is revealed. It was found that 55.6% of GDP variation in actual prices is formed under the influence of such a social indicator as employment, which, in turn, means that ensuring sustainable GDP growth through modernization of production, innovation, export potential and other possible only 44.4%. And it is logical to assume that in previous years (2000-2014), when production was more or less stable, the impact of the factor indicator "employment" was even higher. The listed factors indicate the need for social responsibility as a component of the strategic management of the organization. Practical value. Using in practice the proposed theoretical and applied approaches, namely: taking into account socio-economic levers in the formation of an organization's management strategy, will increase its effectiveness. And also to define tasks for strategic development of the organizations for the purpose of maintenance of their viability. One of the most important tasks at the micro and macro levels is to increase employment, increase the number of jobs, reduce the proportion of young people who do not work, study or acquire professional skills, promote reliable and safe working conditions for all workers, in particular through the use of innovative technologies. in the field of labor protection and industrial safety. That is, the social factor becomes decisive for ensuring sustainable GDP growth. These objectives should be taken into account when developing measures for personnel management and strategic management of organizations.


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How to Cite
Kushnir, L. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ON THE FORMATION OF AN ORGANIZATION’S MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2-1 (103), 12-16.