The purpose of the article is to study the main features of the current stage of formation of the “new economy” and the justification of new requirements for labor. Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study was such methods of scientific and economic cognition as descriptive-analytical, systemic, comparative, and analytical. Findings. The main vector of modernity should be inclusive social development based on scientific and technological progress and innovative management methods, intellectualization of human capital, development of advanced technologies and knowledge-intensive industries, giving priority to knowledge production, which is in line with modern world trends and is called “new economy”. The most important features of the current stage of formation of the “new economy” are: demassification of production, the transition to flexible production; giving preference to theoretical knowledge; increasing the class of knowledge carriers; formation of new intellectual technology; strengthening the role of information and information technology; changes in the nature of work; generation of new types of deficits. The “new economy” is changing the world of work and social and labor relations, opening new opportunities and creating risks of new trends in the economy for individual labor market players that need research. Practical value. The article summarizes the main requirements for the latest digital competencies, the leading of which may be the following: dynamism – the ability to change over time; the relationship with the workplace ecosystem, i.e. the content of work processes; constant updating of complementary digital skills – i.e. skills needed to perform new tasks, related to the use of IT in the workplace; interdisciplinary – to cover several convergent subject areas; mobility and competitiveness of skills; compliance with international standards. In the process of forming educational policy it is necessary to be aware of modern world trends, knowledge and education plays a decisive role. Public policy should be aimed at transforming the higher education system into an effective factor of economic growth on an innovative basis and strengthening the competitiveness of the state.
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