• Yuliia Malakhova National Transport University
  • Dmytro Mironenko National Transport University
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, competitive advantage, international market, strategy, elements of social responsibility


The purpose of the article is to comprehend the essence of corporate social responsibility and define it as a unique characteristic, which favorably distinguishes the company from competitors in the international market. The work uses methods of synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction (to determine the content and elements of corporate social responsibility), as well as generalization methods (to determine the advantages and constraints for the use of corporate social responsibility of an enterprise when entering the international market). Results. Relevance research topic is due to the increasing role of corporate social responsibility in the conditions of globalization and the increasing influence of business on society. The article examines the features of corporate social responsibility of domestic enterprises in international business. The advantages of using corporate social responsibility by enterprises are analyzed. The reasons for the weak development of social responsibility of Ukrainian enterprises are considered, as well as the algorithm for transforming social responsibility into social benefit. Thus, having analyzed the practice of implementing CSR in international business, it should be noted that the level of involvement of domestic corporations in this process. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: lack of experience of domestic companies in the field corporate social responsibility even at the local level, lack of government support, lack of funds. Recommendations for improving corporate social responsibility of companies are offered. It has been established that corporate social responsibility is a modern way of a company to ensure its exit, successful development and functioning in the international market. Practical value. The use of theoretical and applied approaches proposed in the article in practice increases the predictability, stability and stability of the environment in which socially responsible business operates, as well as provides the company with competitive advantages in both domestic and international markets.


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How to Cite
Malakhova, Y., & Mironenko, D. (2021). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (102), 69-73.