• Anna Нevchuk Higher educational institution “Vinnytsia University of Finance and Economics”
Keywords: calculations, receivables, accounts payable, reporting, information, agricultural receipt, business, management


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and applied aspect of information support by forming new indicators of financial reporting on settlement operations as a guarantee of the effectiveness of management decisions. Research methodology. Achieving the goal set in the article is carried out using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, analysis, analytical method. The study aims to supplement the information and accounting support for management purposes, which will contribute to the efficient use of resources. Results. It is noted that the disadvantage of accounting practice is the low informativeness of the forms of financial reporting for business management purposes and requires its addition to the part of settlement operations. The modern economic environment of business needs to overcome the limitations of financial information, which is manifested in the development of new reporting standards of a fundamentally different format. Improving the management process for the efficient operation of business units in the agricultural sector involves the development of new analytical strategies, detailing performance indicators to find “bottlenecks” or strengths through quality information. The main source of information on calculations is financial reporting, and a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of settlement operations of agribusiness enterprises, not only for their individual elements, but also through various forms and new settlement tools and lending mechanisms for agribusiness, which requires improved financial reporting in terms of settlement operations as an effective way to manage business. It is noted that the integration processes, in terms of recognition of Ukraine as part of the world economic community, require implementation in a single information environment that will contribute to the harmonization of accounting. The reform process should take into account the provisions of International Financial Reporting Standards on reporting, which will facilitate management decisions in terms of investment / business lending. It is proposed to improve the content and components of financial statements of business units (f. № 1 “Balance Sheet” (Statement of financial position) and f. № 5 “Notes to the annual financial statements”) through the formation of new indicators using agricultural receipt as a new calculation tool and alternative mechanism lending to agribusiness enterprises. The practical significance of the research results. The use in practice of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches to improve reporting with new indicators will generate objective information adapted to the taxonomy of financial reporting (according to international financial reporting standards in Ukraine) for management, current and potential investors, lenders and other lenders in making effective management solutions.


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How to Cite
НevchukA. (2021). THE FORMATION OF NEW INDICATORS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF SETTLEMENT OPERATIONS IS THE KEY TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (102), 61-68.