• Svitlana Prasolova Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: competitive position, competitive advantages, strategic group of banks, micro- and macroeconomic efficiency, competitive environment of the banking sector


Purpose. The article is devoted is to determine the essence and methodological approaches to the comparative assessment of the competitive position of strategic groups of banks with different ownership structures (with foreign, domestic public and private capital of major shareholders (participants) of banks) in the Ukrainian market by micro- and macroeconomic efficiency to determine their strategic competitive advantages and basic trends in the competitive environment in the banking sector of Ukraine. Methodology of research. To achieve this goal, the article uses the following general and special research methods: grouping, comparison, empirical methods of strategic research (analysis of strategic groups), graphical, systematization and generalization. Findings. A comparative study of the main quantitative and qualitative methods of assessing the competitive position of banks, the results of which identified the most optimal method of analysis of strategic groups of banks formed by their ownership structure, which identified basic trends in these groups of banks, their strategic advantages and optimal strategic group. Practical value. The article considers methodological approaches to comparative assessment of the competitive position of strategic groups of banks with different ownership structure in terms of micro- and macroeconomic efficiency of their activities, identifies their strategic competitive advantages and basic trends in the competitive environment in the banking sector. competitiveness of the banking system of Ukraine. In particular, it is proposed to create a new financial model aimed at stimulating banks to solve important government tasks related to ensuring, above all, macroeconomic efficiency.


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How to Cite
Prasolova, S. (2021). COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE COMPETITIVE POSITION OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKS IN THE UKRAINIAN MARKET: CURRENT ASPECTS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (102), 51-60.