The purpose of the article is to form the competitiveness of the aviation enterprise based on the business model. The structuring of the business model as an open system made it possible to identify its main elements, among which the main ones are: control and managed system. Methodology of research. Achieving the goal set in the article is carried out using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical method. Findings. The interrelation of the business model, business processes and the value chain of the enterprise with the competitive advantages in a single system circuit is substantiated. The essence of each element is revealed and its role and significance in ensuring the competitiveness of the aviation enterprise is argued. It is proved that the needs of consumers determine the desired value of the service of the aviation enterprise, which is the basis of the value chain, which determines the costs of the enterprise, providing the production of base value and differentiation of this value depending on changes in its value. Depending on the role of business processes that they play in the business model of the enterprise, value added is formed. Business processes are the centers of cost or profit. It is established that the value for the consumer is formed by the structure of the route network; frequency of flights, fares; service classes; quality standards; quality of service, as well as other activities that provide an opportunity to make a profit, while other costs do not determine any value for the consumer, but simply provide the activities of aviation enterprises, so they need constant optimization. The author’s chain of value creation of the aviation enterprise is presented, which provides for the division of services into such types as: before flight service, flight service, between flight service and after flight service. The list of constituent elements is generalized, the combination of which will vary depending on the business model of the enterprise and the components that fill the value chain and directly form the cost of the aviation enterprise’s service. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and practical recommendations will allow the aviation enterprise to ensure a stable competitive position in domestic and international markets.
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