The purpose of the article is to highlight and summarize modern principles of management of innovation and investment support for the development of enterprises in the agricultural sector at the national and regional levels. Research methodology. The solution of the problems posed in the article was carried out using such general scientific and special research methods: the dialectical method of studying economic processes and phenomena, systematization and generalization of scientific approaches to solving the problem, statistical ranking of the regions of Ukraine by the level of their innovative potential, as well as the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction. Results. A set of prerequisites for enhancing the innovation and investment development of the country’s agricultural sector has been developed and strategic levers for managing innovation and investment development have been proposed. The level of development of scientific and innovative activity of the regions of Ukraine, in particular the place of Kharkov region, is investigated and it is revealed that foreign direct investments in Kharkov region are carried out at a high level, and the number of employees engaged in research and development is the largest. It is revealed that the potential of innovation and investment development of the agricultural sector of Kharkov region is high. The necessity of forming a regional innovation structure based on the integration of scientific and technical sphere into socio-economic processes of the region’s development is substantiated. Based on this, proposals are made for further development of innovations in the agricultural sector and management of this process. A set of principles for managing the innovative and investment development of the region has been developed, namely: mass character, efficiency, adaptability, information support, financing, incentives. The practical significance of the research results. The article substantiates that the implementation of the proposed priority measures and strategic guidelines will allow to form a flexible and adaptive model of innovation and investment development of a particular region and will contribute to high-tech modern farming on an innovative basis.
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