• Ihor Spaskyy Odessa National Economic University
Keywords: economic thinking, history of economic thought


The purpose of the article is to reveal the evolution of the theory of fixed capital in the development of economic thought as a subject of study. Methodology of research. Methods of reflection of economic thought and historical and economic methods of research are used. Findings. The current systemic crisis has undoubtedly affected both theoretical knowledge and economic life itself. This causes the urgency of the revision of the historical heritage of economic thought as a whole and its individual areas. As well as the implementation of mental reflection on the subject of cognitive abilities and limitations. Analysis of economic thought in historical retrospect highlighted several theoretical and methodological problems. This is the so-called isolation of theoretical calculations from such important aspects of economics as economic anthropology and analysis of social, environmental and even psychophysiological aspects of reality. The ideas of fixed capital, presented in the tradition of economic thought, already in the early stages of emergence and development acquire features that are characteristic of the theory. There is a hypothesis and a theoretical paradigm. The category of fixed capital is described both in statics and in dynamics. The process of fixed capital movement itself is reproduced and subject to certain laws and conditions. The further development of economic thought is going into a single theory that has a common core – the category of “fixed capital”. The evolution of views on the essence of fixed capital and its role in the economy expresses the process of formation and subsequent change of this category. The process of historical movement of theoretical comprehension of changes in objective economic reality allows, on the one hand, to look comprehensively at the problems associated with the functioning of fixed capital, and on the other, to make a deep theoretical generalization, capture and consider abstraction – the idea of phenomenon. And then to make the ascent from the idea to the movement of economic forms – the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Practical value. The practical significance of the research results. It consists in increasing the heuristic potential of the theory of fixed capital in economic decision-making and implementation of economic policy.


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How to Cite
Spaskyy, I. (2021). EVOLUTION OF THEORY OF FIXED CAPITAL AS A SUBJECT OF RESEARCH. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (1 (102), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2021-1-1