The purpose of the article is to rethink certain theoretical foundations of B2B marketing at the current stage of society's development. Research methodology. During the research, the following research methods were used: abstract-logical, systemic-structural, method of analogies, structured and unstructured observations. Findings. This article analyzed the theoretical foundations of B2B marketing. In particular, the existing approaches to the interpretation of the concept of B2B marketing were investigated and a proper definition was proposed. So, B2B marketing was defined as a market activity aimed at the sale of goods and services to consumer organizations in order to ensure the activities of organizations or further resale. The main categories of buyers in industrial markets are defined. It was pointed out that Government purchases may be considered as a B2G business model and non-governmental organizations may be perceived as objects of research both B2B marketing and non-commercial marketing. The differences between industrial and consumer markets are studied. Also, we came to the conclusion that the universal approach to distinguishing between B2B and B2C marketing has a number of significant limitations. The specifics of a concrete market will have a decisive influence on the nature of marketing activities. Thus, it is worth to provide a more comprehensive analysis based on the threats of the main groups of industrial products and services. It was pointed out that digitization, globalization, the emergence of new business models and changes in the purchasing behaviour of consumer organizations pose new challenges to the community of scientists and practitioners. The nature of markets is changing and new industries are emerging, which by their nature belong to the field of B2B marketing. It was concluded that B2B marketing is becoming more dynamic and adopting more approaches and tools from consumer markets. Thus, the evolution of industrial markets necessitates a rethinking of the theoretical foundations of B2B marketing. The need to adapt existing theoretical approaches to modern business conditions is well-founded. Practical value. The results of the conducted research can be valuable for enterprises operating in the B2B sector for structuring marketing activities and increasing the effectiveness of marketing policy in the current turbulent economic conditions.
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