• Mykola Rudenko Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky
  • Tatyana Ystik Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky
  • Valentuna Kyksa Cherkasy branch of the “European University”
  • Yulia Radzihovska Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky
  • Palvo Shylga Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky
Keywords: marketing, branding, brand positioning, promotion, marketing of territories, logo, formation of marketing decisions, marketing management


The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of formation of territorial branding, to identify problems of brand and logo popularization of Cherkasy region, and to outline directions for improving the positioning of the region as a tool for post-war territorial marketing. Methodology of research. In the process of implementing the set tasks, a comprehensive toolkit of conducting economic research was used, namely the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis; method of abstraction; comparative method; graphical and other methods of economic research. The results. The relationship between the concepts of territory brands at different levels is analyzed. The main tourist objects and formation of the brand logo of the Cherkasy region are described. The Cherkasy brand logo was taken and finally approved with the image of the shape of the flag of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. The final logo of the Cherkasy region is the image of the letter «CH» in the form of a bird. The main components of the brand of the territory are detailed. The key problems of promoting the brand and logo of the Cherkasy region are identified, namely: russia’s unprovoked armed aggression; mental problems of Ukrainian society and the departure of a part of the population abroad; unstable situation with electricity supply; economic situation; insufficient financing of restoration works; decrease in attention to historical objects and measures to popularize tourist locations; financial problems of proper maintenance of tourist facilities. The post-war marketing tools of the region are proposed for the following components: place, territory, location; PR activities; security and protection of monuments; goods and services for the use of Identity; financial resources; people and the local population. Territorial branding is a powerful tool of post-war regional marketing, thanks to which a region can stand out among competitors, attract tourists, stimulate economic development and promote a sense of pride and belonging among the population. Practical significance of research results. The practical significance lies in outlining the directions of formation and positioning of the brand of Cherkasy in the post-war development of the region.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, M., Ystik, T., Kyksa, V., Radzihovska, Y., & Shylga, P. (2024). TERRITORIAL BRANDING OF CHERKASY AS A TOOL OF POST-WAR MARKETING OF THE REGION. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 63-70. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2024-4-11