• Ihor Oliynyk Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: self-management, digitalisation, time management, digital burnout, productivity, work-life balance, digital


The purpose of the article is to study the methods of self-management in the context of digitalisation of the work environment and their impact on productivity and stress reduction. Research methodology. The goal of the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalisation, comparative analysis, systematic approach and scientific abstraction. Results. The analysis of self-management methods has shown their effectiveness in increasing productivity and reducing stress in the context of digitalisation. The main challenges associated with the excessive influence of digital technologies, in particular the risks of digital burnout and the need for a high level of self-discipline, are identified. Recommendations on the use of time and resource management methods to minimise the negative effects of digitalisation are developed. Practical significance of the research results. The practical application of the proposed approaches can be useful for employees and managers in implementing self-management methods in a digitalised environment. This helps to increase productivity, reduce stress and improve work-life balance. The proposed strategies help to avoid digital burnout and effectively adapt to changes in the professional environment.


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How to Cite
Oliynyk, I. (2024). USE OF SELF-MANAGEMENT METHODS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALISATION OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 52-58.