Keywords: innovations, strategic planning, innovation processes, enterprise, systemic management


The purpose of the article is to study the systematic and strategic management of the innovative development of enterprises in modern conditions, to determine the principles and defining features of these processes in order to increase their competitiveness and realize the corresponding innovative potential. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: theoretical analysis of the literature to study existing scientific sources that highlight the issues of strategic planning and innovation management, which made it possible to systematize knowledge and build a basis for understanding key aspects of the topic; the method of system analysis was applied to consider the enterprise as a complete system interacting with the external environment and made it possible to determine the influence of strategic planning on all levels of management and on various stages of innovation processes; comparative analysis, logical generalization and graphic for visual display of research results. Findings. The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of planning in the management of innovative processes of enterprises. Emphasis is placed on systematicity through the definition of constituent elements in an integrated approach to the management of innovative processes of market entities in modern conditions. Practical value. The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the principles of strategic planning in the management of innovative processes of enterprises have been determined according to the previously conducted assessment areas, which play an important role in ensuring the success of innovations and their impact on competitiveness, the key ones being the principle of integrity, long-term orientation, involvement and participation, resource availability and flexibility. It has been proven that the systematic management of innovation processes at the enterprise involves the integration of all management elements to achieve effective and sustainable implementation of innovations. Accordingly, the main elements are the organizational structure, personnel potential, information and investment resources, technologies, communication and cooperation, which facilitates the exchange of information and cooperation between different departments of the enterprise, as well as with partners, scientific institutions and market agents. In addition, systematic and strategic planning should take into account the long-term goals of sustainable development, which ensures the economic, social and environmental responsibility of the enterprise in the process of implementing innovations.


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How to Cite
Bas, I., & Lisovska, L. (2024). THE SYSTEMATICITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE PROCESSES OF ENTERPRISES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (114), 47-51.