• Roman Shulla Uzhhorod National University
  • Mariana Popyk Uzhhorod National University
  • Victoria Zelich Uzhhorod National University
Keywords: controlling, strategic management, management decisions, hotel and restaurant business, information and analytical support, profit margin, profitability of sales


The purpose of the study is to develop scientific and practical recommendations for providing strategic management with relevant information based on the concept of controlling. Research methodology includes general scientific methods such as induction, deduction, classification, comparison, system analysis, as well as specific methods such as financial modeling, financial analysis, etc. Findings: the development of a system of information and analytical support for strategic management with relevant information based on controlling, which takes into account the organizational and technological features of the economic activity of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business. The practical value of the conducted research lies in the possibility of applying the proposed methodical approaches of controlling in the strategic planning of the assortment policy of hotel and restaurant business enterprises, which will increase the effectiveness of management decisions regarding the selection and optimization of the assortment of provided accommodation services. The article examines the problem of increasing the efficiency of strategic management of hotel and restaurant business enterprises based on the concept of controlling. It is substantiated that the main factors of the need to implement strategic management systems into the practice of business activity are the growth of dynamics and uncertainty of the external environment, as well as increased competition in the markets. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of strategic management tools is not sufficient if the enterprise does not have an appropriate information and analytical system of providing management with relevant information. It has been proven that a promising direction for increasing the effectiveness of strategic management at hotel and restaurant business enterprises is the introduction into the organizational structure the controlling department, which would be entrusted with the tasks of information and analytical support of the management process. At the same time, the key controlling tool is the management accounting system, organized in accordance with the information needs of management. In the article, a comparative analysis of the informativeness of the traditional for domestic practice accounting system of financial results and the accounting system of financial results within the framework of the concept of controlling is carried out. It is found that for informational and analytical support of strategic management decisions regarding the production program at the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business, it is advisable to use analytical indicators of controlling, which are based on data on the marginal cost and profit margin of accommodation services.


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How to Cite
Shulla, R., Popyk, M., & Zelich, V. (2024). INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF CONTROLLING. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (113), 43-52.