• Alla Milka Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Olena Artiukh-Pasiuta Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Mykola Liubymov Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Viacheslav Kramarenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Denis Shibkovsky Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: integral indicator, classification, product competitiveness, methods of assessing competitiveness, enterprise, competitor product


In the context of strengthening the process of Ukraine's integration into the European and world economic community, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises becomes urgent. The efficiency of their production and economic activities and the strengthening of their positions on the market are determined by the competitiveness of their products. Currently, the problem of increasing the level of competitiveness of the enterprise's products is quite urgent, since the level of competitiveness of the country's economy depends on the level of competitiveness of the products of domestic enterprises. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of product competitiveness, assessment methods, as well as to study the main stages of calculating the integral indicator of product competitiveness. Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using the methods of logical generalization and scientific abstraction. The results. The authors defined the main essential characteristics of the "product competitiveness" category, systematized the stages of calculating the integral indicator of product competitiveness, and proposed directions for solving problems related to improving the quality and competitiveness of products. According to the authors, there is no universal method for assessing the competitiveness of products. Each of the methods has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The application of one or another method is determined, first of all, based on the purpose of the research and the available information. Practical significance of research results. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and methodological approaches will increase the competitiveness of products at the enterprise. The competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole definitely depends on the competitiveness of its products. The competitiveness of products is defined as the result of the interaction of various economic, organizational, scientific and technical, production, marketing and other factors. It also serves as an indicator of production efficiency and predicts the possibility of making a profit.


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How to Cite
Milka, A., Artiukh-Pasiuta, O., Liubymov, M., Kramarenko, V., & Shibkovsky, D. (2024). THE ESSENCE AND METHODS OF EVALUATING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF PRODUCTS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (113), 31-36.