• Denys Bezruk Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: process, business, business process, , business process improvement


The purpose of the article is to develop a comprehensive approach to improving the business processes of Epicenter K LLC. Research methodology. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: generalization and scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, analytical method. The results. The article is devoted to highlighting the author's approach to improving business processes at domestic companies, in particular, "Epicenter K" LLC. The proposed three-dimensional space for improving business processes is a key element of a comprehensive approach to organizational transformation. Your conceptual model, which includes a three-dimensional space, a road navigation map and principles of improvement, allows you to clearly define the directions of development of business processes at "Epicenter K" LLC. These three components interact and create a structured approach to improving business processes, ensuring their purposefulness, integration and balance. The vertical vector ("from top to bottom") determines the strategic direction of the company, the ascending vector ("from bottom to mountain") activates employee initiatives for innovation and efficiency improvement, and the horizontal vector (cross-functional) contributes to the optimization of key business processes through new relationships between different spheres of activity. This approach will help avoid staff frustration and maintain competitiveness in the market. Your research and analysis of the reforms of leading global corporations confirm the need for such an approach to effectively improve business processes at "Epicenter K" LLC. Improvement of business processes at "Epicenter K" LLC includes changes in three main areas: structure (new structures for change management, rethinking of personnel roles and focus on value creation; transition to self-managed teams); systems (transformation of information systems and adaptation to the needs of teams; restructuring of payroll systems with a special emphasis on digitization and the company's readiness for it); personnel (determination of necessary qualities and skills of employees; review of requirements for new employees and development of personnel training programs). Consequently, these changes require the integration of individual initiatives into a consistent program based on conceptual frameworks such as the 3D Improvement Space, the Navigational Road Map, and the Principles of Business Process Improvement. This approach will help ensure effective transformation and maintain the company's competitiveness in the market.


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How to Cite
Bezruk, D. (2024). A COMPLEX APPROACH TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF BUSINESS PROCESSES OF "EPICENTR K" LLC. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (112), 95-101. https://doi.org/10.37734//2409-6873-2024-2-14