• Yuliia Fisun National Aviation University
  • Oleksii Yarmolyuk National Aviation University
  • Daniela Hrabar National Aviation University
Keywords: internet marketing, social media marketing, ecological marketing, marketing integrity, greenwashing


The purpose of the article is to investigate the problem of greenwashing in e-commerce and the methods of its dissemination in the Internet space and social media. Methodology for conducting research. The following research approaches were used to attain the article's goal: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, critical study of e-commerce marketing materials, and the analytical method. Findings. The study's findings have significant practical implications, as greenwashing is a substantial issue in e-commerce, with severe ramifications for the environment, customers, and companies. Greenwashing should be avoided by consumers since it might lead to bad environmental decisions that are destructive to the environment. They could purchase a product or service that is not as ecologically beneficial as they believe. As a result, they may be unsatisfied with their decision and unwilling to take more environmental initiatives. Businesses should avoid greenwashing as it can damage their reputation and lead to a loss of consumer trust. Consumers may be disappointed to find out that a company they thought was environmentally friendly is not. It can also lead to a decrease in sales for the company. For the environment, greenwashing can lead to companies not implementing necessary environmental changes. They may believe they are already doing enough to be "green" even if they are not. This can lead to environmental degradation. Authorities should enact rules and regulations to counteract greenwashing. It has been demonstrated that environmental marketing is relevant and necessary in order to boost the competitiveness of corporate organizations in today's commercial climate. The difficulties surrounding the evolution of "greenwashing" and how it spreads on the Internet and social networks are studied. Because the application of the ecological concept in marketing and production activities, as well as continued adherence to its principles, will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of business entities in today's business environment, the relevance and necessity of using the described processes of environmental and marketing integrity in social networks and the Internet in general has been established.


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How to Cite
Fisun, Y., Yarmolyuk, O., & Hrabar, D. (2023). PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGICAL MARKETING IN THE INTERNET ENVIRONMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (110), 107-112.