The purpose of the article is to study the main development trends and challenges for the IT sphere of Ukraine, caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, integral assessment, and tabular methods. Findings. The need to develop Strategies for the development of the IT sphere at both the national and regional levels is substantiated. The main goals of the development of the IT sphere in the regions of Ukraine are outlined. The possibility of convergence of regions in terms of the level of socio-economic development only due to the development of the IT sphere in them has been studied. The main trends in the IT sphere of Ukraine and changes in IT companies after the full-scale invasion of Russia are analyzed. In particular, this is the acceleration of globalization, the opening of new offices abroad, the outflow of specialists from Ukraine. The main challenges for the development of the IT sphere from the consequences of the full-scale war in Ukraine have been identified. These are the risk of blackouts and difficulties with booking employees, the lack of a real mechanism for short-term business trips abroad to strengthen the position and presence of Ukraine in the global IT arena, integration into a special tax and economic space for the Diya.City technology industry, large redeployment of workforce in the IT market, etc. The war became a real test for all business entities. IT companies faced problems and new challenges, but most of them, thanks to mobility and adaptability, managed to successfully adapt to new realities and even expect an increase in business volumes. Practical value. The obtained results and conclusions are the basis for the development of strategic documents of regional development, in particular the Strategy for the development of the IT sphere in the regions, the improvement of the legal framework of information technology support for the development of the regional economy and the functioning of the IT sphere.
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