• Nelia Volkova Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • Viktoriia Dudar Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Keywords: uncertainty, risk, financial strategy, financial strategy evaluation model, bank income, liquidity, capital adequacy, bank performance


The purpose of the article is to highlight the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of the formation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the bank's financial strategy, taking into account the influence of conditions of uncertainty. Methodology of research. The achievement of the purpose set in the article necessitated the use of the following research methods: generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis. Findings. The article examines in detail the main approaches to understanding the category of uncertainty, and also distinguishes between the concepts of "uncertainty" and "risk". It was found that the scientific basis of uncertainty is insufficient and needs further development. The impact of conditions of uncertainty on the formation financial strategy of the bank is analyzed. A model for evaluating the effectiveness of the financial strategy of the bank was proposed and its approval was carried out. The structuring of the sources of income of JSB "UKRGASBANK" by customer segmentation in 2020-2022 was carried out and compliance with the liquidity standards of NBU was analyzed. During the assessment of capital adequacy, an analysis of the dynamics of capital types during 2020-2022 was carried out. Comparing the profitability of JSB "UKRGASBANK" with other banks, it was established that the bank's profits are significantly lower compared to the best players in the banking sector. It was found that the current financial strategy of JSB "UKRGASBANK" is quite effective, which is confirmed by the analyzed indicators. However, in the course of the study, the influence of the conditions of the changing economic environment, which should be taken into account in the planning of future periods, on the results of the bank's activities was revealed. Practical value. The practical application of the evaluation model proposed based on the results of the research will make it possible to analyze the effectiveness of the formation financial strategy of bank and to provide recommendations and measures to improve the bank's performance in conditions of uncertainty.


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How to Cite
Volkova, N., & Dudar, V. (2023). APPLICATION OF THE EFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT MODEL OF THE FORMATION OF FINANCIAL STRATEGY OF BANK IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (110), 50-55.