• Inna Gruzina Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: organization, competence, competent organization, management structure, organizational design


The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of scientific approaches to organizational design, to determine the possibilities of their application for creating a competent organization. Research methodology. The purpose of the study was achieved by using the methods of morphological analysis; scientific induction and deduction; dialectical method; system analysis and synthesis; content analysis, logical analysis and theoretical generalization. Results. It has been proved that inevitable changes in an organization, in particular, in order to acquire or improve its level of competence, are the product of organizational design. The expediency of applying a situational approach to the design of a competent organization, which involves taking into account, in addition to environmental factors, also internal organizational properties that form the overall competence of the organization, is substantiated. The dependence of the choice of the type of organizational structure on the logic of the organization's evolutionary development is determined, which is relevant for building competent organizations. This is explained by the importance of not only acquiring competence, but also developing and maintaining its level throughout the life cycle of an organization, which changes the priority of individual components depending on the priority of management tasks at each stage. That is, approaches to building an organizational structure or its transformation, as a sign of competence, should take into account the stage of development of the organization, the conditions of its functioning, and the actual tasks of its activity. Practical significance of the research results. The results obtained will allow deepening knowledge about the nature and content of the organization's competence, to understand the possibility of transforming its structure depending on the stage of the life cycle, which requires a revision of the management structure, adjustment of the strategy in the context of changes in organizational capabilities and environmental conditions.


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How to Cite
Gruzina, I. (2023). SYSTEMATIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO CREATING A COMPETENT ORGANIZATION. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (4 (110), 7-14.