Keywords: design, leader, leadership qualities, manager, innovative activity


The study focuses on the peculiarities of designing the development of leadership potential of managers of innovation activities. The purpose of the study ˗ to explore the features of designing the development of leadership potential of managers of innovation activities and to establish its procedural stages. Methodology of research. The article is based on the analysis of scientific achievements and studies of theorists and practitioners in the field of management, in particular, leadership. Since the concept of "leadership" is marked by complexity, considerable diversity and is interpreted by different scientists in different ways, the characteristics of leadership qualities also cannot be constant. It is determined that the leadership potential of the manager of innovation activity is a set of individual-personal and socio-psychological properties of the specialist of innovation activity, which allow him to take the position of leader of speakers, which allow him to take a leadership position in the team, and provide the opportunity to influence its overall work in order to organize effective interaction throughout the joint innovation activity. As a result of the study, it is proved that the design of the development of leadership potential of managers of innovation activities should be considered through a sequence of such stages: target, meaningful, procedural and control-final. The target stage is fundamental, since it involves the definition of goals and objectives in structuring. At a meaningful stage, it is worth paying attention to specific areas of activity of a teacher or tutor who will implement a system for developing leadership potential. The procedural stage is based on the characteristics of the previous stages and defines the mechanisms for the practical implementation of certain tasks. The control and final stage is based on the control and evaluation of previous stages. At this stage, all the proposed points are summarized, an analysis and adjustment of the leadership potential development program is carried out. Practical value. The stated provisions will increase the effectiveness of the process of forming the leadership potential of managers of innovative activities.


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How to Cite
Barbinova, A. (2023). DESIGNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL OF MANAGERS OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (109), 69-72.