• Oleksandra Shaleva Lviv University of Trade and Economy
  • Ivan Sereda Lviv University of Trade and Economy
Keywords: retail trade enterprise, diversification, business process, online store, website, efficiency


The purpose of the article is to investigate the possibilities of transformation of business processes of a modern retail trade enterprise based on the diversification of the directions of operation by creating an online store and the analysis of the main tools for implementing these diversification processes. Methodology of research. The research is based on empirical methods, the use of which contributed to observation and description; on theoretical methods, which allowed to carry out scientific analysis, synthesis, abstraction and explanation, and methods of logical generalization of the results, which ensured the formulation of the conclusions of the conducted research. Findings. An effective method of ensuring the stability of the functioning of modern retail enterprises is diversification. it is a reorientation of business processes of a business entity to continue its activities in another direction or industry. Effective diversification can improve the company's performance and become an instrument of its recovery and growth. The authors defined the task of diversifying the activities of retail trade enterprises by creating online stores; the process of creating online stores and their advantages over traditional offline retail businesses in the context of organizing sales processes, forming an assortment and level of efficiency are described; the factors of the effectiveness of the online store as a direction of diversification of the retail trade enterprise were identified, in particular the synergy of diversification and digitalization, the choice of an effective model of diversification and a minor impact on the functioning of the main business model; the algorithm of the diversification process of a retail trade enterprise through the creation of an online store is proposed and the content of its main stages is analyzed; the performance indicators of the online store as a specific commercial project are characterized. Practical value. The article proposes an algorithm for diversifying a retail business by creating an online store and explores popular technological tools that are used for the practical implementation of these processes. As a result, the provisions of this study can be used both by business owners who plan to diversify and scale their business, as well as by scientists for further scientific developments.


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How to Cite
Shaleva, O., & Sereda, I. (2023). POSSIBILITIES OF DIVERSIFYING THE ACTIVITY OF A RETAIL TRADE ENTERPRISE BY CREATING AN ONLINE STORE. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (109), 59-68. https://doi.org/10.37734/2409-6873-2023-3-9