The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of greenwashing tools by companies on the market of cosmetic products and the specifics of its legislative regulation. Methodology of research. The purpose set in the article was achieved using methods of induction, deduction, generalization, and system analysis method. Findings. The article summarizes the nature essence of the marketing concept of greenwashing. Theoretical studies have shown that there is a close relationship between consumers' perception of products with eco-labels and certification as higher value goods, the consumption of which does not harm the environment. Unfair companies take advantage of consumers' trust in ecological products, so instead of modernization production for a more ecological one, they resort to greenwashing, which consists in disguising harmful production as ecological activities. Greenwashing tools are focused on manipulating product positioning through marketing communication policies. The main idea of the greenwashing concept is the intention to demonstrate the company's sustainable environmental activities, highlighting one of the positive aspects of its activities and hiding all other types of company activities that lead to a negative impact on human health and the environment. The article analyzes examples of the use of greenwashing tools on the example of cosmetic products. The legislative regulation to prevent greenwashing in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union is summarized. Practical value. It was found out that with the development of self-education of consumers due to digitalization, companies can use greenwashing only in the short-term, in the long-term greenwashing is unprofitable for companies. An important role in reducing greenwashing in the market of cosmetic products is played by social networks and public organizations, which help in self-education of consumers for conscious ecological consumption. A change in consumer behavior in the market of cosmetic products from an emotional to a rational-functional one is in demand in society nowadays. Companies should use advertising that fosters sustainable environmental consumer behavior that moves consumption from excessive non-environmental to sufficient environmental that has a positive impact on improving the environment.
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