• Nataliya Karpenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Maryna Ivannikova Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Tetyana Bilousko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Nataliya Yalovega Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Angella Zakharenko- Selezneva Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: small business, strategic marketing management, HR marketing strategy, modern information technology, branding, sales systems, logistics


Purpose. The aim of the article consists of recommending practices for the introduction of progressive marketing methods and practices in the activities of small businesses, identifying changes in the system of market activities of enterprises through the use of marketing as a strategic management system, creating a new managerial position of HR marketer, using modern information technologies, creating an innovative brand policy of the enterprise, searching for modern sales and logistics systems. The uncertainty of the economic situation, the changing political environment, martial law in Ukraine, and the existing corruption systems undermine the functioning of small business enterprises, which currently require the use of new marketing technologies that will contribute to the development of stability and balance for all market participants in Ukraine. Methodology of research. Consideration and solution of the goals and objectives set out in the article were realized with the help of relevant general scientific and special research methods: comparative analysis and synthesis, systematization, logical generalization, interpretation and adaptation. Results. A comparative analysis of current trends in the use of marketing in small business enterprises is carried out, problems that need to be addressed urgently are identified, key components of the development of small businesses through the use of innovative marketing technologies are formed, namely, improving the strategic management system, HR marketing strategy, modern information technologies such as cloud storage, artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGpt, Big Data, branding concepts, modern sales and logistics systems. The practical significance of the research results. The main results of scientific research presented in the article, their practical substantiation, comprehensiveness, experience and summarized research results are recommended for use in small business enterprises, whose existence today is a guarantee of the existence of the economic system of the state, and whose development will be expedient after the victory of Ukraine. However, the relevance of the conducted research will also be appropriate for the teaching staff of higher education institutions in the process of forming educational components for students of the program "Marketing".


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How to Cite
Karpenko, N., Ivannikova, M., Bilousko, T., Yalovega, N., & Zakharenko- Selezneva, A. (2023). INNOVATIVE MARKETING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (109), 46-53.