Keywords: financial stability, banking system, transmission mechanism, channels of the transmission mechanism, state of dynamic equilibrium, crisis state, instruments regulation


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine based on the effective functioning of the transmission mechanism. Methodology of research. The goal set in the article was achieved using the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, trend analysis, analytical and graphic methods. Findings. The relationship between the concept of financial stability of the banking system and its functional features such as financial security, financial stability and a state of dynamic equilibrium or a crisis state that characterizes financial instability is defined. On the basis of an analytical study of the effectiveness of the functioning of the monetary transmission mechanism, the effect of its transmission mechanism in the crisis conditions caused by the war was formed: increase in the base (accounting) rate of the NBU - increase in bank refinancing rates - increase in interbank lending rates - increase in lending rates to the economy (non-financial corporations) - supply limitation credit resources - limitation of money supply = containment of inflationary processes. The basic trends of the impact of interest, money, credit and currency channels of the transmission mechanism on the financial and macroeconomic stability of Ukraine over the past ten years have been determined. It is proposed to implement a restrictive monetary and credit policy in the conditions of martial law, and in the post-war period to switch to a policy of expansion. The need for the formation of additional financing mechanisms for the recovery of Ukraine was determined. Practical value. The practical use of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches will increase the effectiveness of the monetary transmission mechanism to ensure the financial stability of the country's banking system both in the war and post-war periods. It was determined that in order to preserve the effectiveness of the transmission mechanism, the national regulator in wartime should actively use the tools of administrative influence, and in the post-war period - to give preference to economic, market instruments of monetary regulation.


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How to Cite
Prasolova, S., & Yarich, O. (2023). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF ENSURING THE STABILITY OF THE BANKING SYSTEM OF UKRAINE BASED ON THE EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF THE TRANSMISSION MECHANISM. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (109), 24-33.