• Maryana Kobelya-Zvir Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: grants of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, grant support for veterans, veteran business, grants of the YeRobota program, grants for veterans and their family members


The aim of the study. The purpose of the study is to analyze grant programs to support veterans and their family members, to identify the specifics and priorities of grant givers, as well as to outline the main obstacles to receiving grant assistance by veterans and their family members. Research methodology. To solve the tasks, general scientific and special methods were used: dialectical and abstract-logical; induction and deduction; sociometric; systematic and comparative analysis, as well as synthesis. The results. The reasons for not too active use of grant funding by entrepreneurs of the veteran community are analyzed. In particular, these are: Low awareness of veterans about grant opportunities; difficulty in developing project proposals for participation in grant competitions; the long-term process of obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities; the risk of being denied funding in the YeRobota program due to the presence of untrue information in open databases; the condition for receiving the maximum funding in the YeRobota program up to UAH 1 million is to have a registered FOP for at least 3 years. Methods of overcoming these obstacles are proposed. Practical significance of research results. The article examines the main grant programs for supporting veterans and their family members, namely the grant tools of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund and the government program "eRobota" for veterans and their family members. The priority areas of support of the Ukrainian Veterans Fund for entrepreneurial activities of veterans are given. The priorities of the Varto+GO program were demonstrated, in particular: provision of mentoring support and consulting for veteran entrepreneurship from start to development; social support of veterans, family members of such persons and family members of fallen war veterans, family members of fallen Defenders of Ukraine; social support of children of veterans and children of deceased war veterans, children of deceased Defenders of Ukraine. The main possibilities of the "eRobota" program are outlined, in particular: obtaining grant funding for the purchase of furniture, equipment and vehicles for commercial use; licensed software; raw materials, materials, goods and services necessary for the implementation of business, as well as for animals or seedlings to create farms; marketing and advertising services; lease of non-residential premises and equipment; purchase of a franchise. It is specified who can receive a grant, namely combatants, persons with disabilities as a result of war, as well as their spouses or husbands. The conditions for obtaining grant funding have been demonstrated. The prospects of attracting non-refundable grant aid for starting and developing one's own business in any field are considered. Prospects for creating new jobs, establishing veteran business activities, and strengthening Ukraine's economy were considered. The main prospects for veterans who use grant tools to speed up the reintegration process after returning from the front are demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Kobelya-Zvir, M. (2023). GRANT PROGRAMS FOR VETERANS AND MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIES: PROSPECTS AND DIFFICULTIES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (3 (109), 13-18.