• Iryna Zhalinska Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
Keywords: marketing, marketing activities, dissertations, research issues, periods of marketing development


The purpose of the article is to carry out a critical analysis of the results of Doctors’ theses of domestic scientists, which highlighted the problems of marketing activity, their generalization, and putting them in order based on the determination of a certain common direction of research. Research methodology. The achievement of the purpose set in the article is carried out with the help of the following research methods: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, and systematization. Findings. It has been proposed to consider the development of domestic marketing research in terms of certain directions, which are determined based on the results of the content analysis of theses, and their juxtaposition with the identified markers of the economic development of Ukraine during the time of independence. It has enabled one to outline certain periods of the development of marketing science in Ukraine, which are characterized by certain common features and distinctive features from established market economies abroad. Certain directions of research that are characteristic of marketing issues in Ukraine have been singled out. Within the defined directions of each period, the main scientific achievements of domestic scientists regarding the development of theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations of marketing management have been summarized, as well as changes in the relevance of research have been determined. Practical value. The conducted analysis and systematization of domestic dissertations have allowed one to determine the state of consideration of research on marketing issues and the selection of relevant research directions. The current period has been determined by a significant change in the enterprises’ marketing activities under the conditions of the rapid development of the Internet and the processes of digitization of the economy, which has been reflected in the problems of modern research, which are developing in the direction of working out a comprehensive approach to marketing systems, strengthening their integrating role in the global environment of economic interaction.


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How to Cite
Zhalinska, I. (2023). PROBLEMS OF MARKETING RESEARCH IN UKRAINE: ANALYSIS OF DISSERTATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (108), 75-83.