• Natalia Pedchenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Oleksand Kudatskyi Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Maksym Pedchenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: public procurement system, advantages, disadvantages, budget funds, authorized person for public procurement, ProZorro system, customer, procurement participant


The article is devoted to scientific approaches to revealing the essence of public procurement in Ukraine through the identification of their advantages and disadvantages.The purpose of the article is to justify scientific approaches to revealing the essence of public procurement in Ukraine by determining their advantages and disadvantages. Research methodology. The study is based on empirical methods, the use of which contributed to observation and description; on theoretical methods, which allowed to carry out scientific analysis, synthesis, abstraction and explanation, and methods of summarizing the results, which stimulated the formulation of research conclusions. Results. The scientific article examines the theoretical foundations of public procurement, defines the main processes used in their implementation, clarifies the role of authorized persons in the implementation of public procurement, provides a comparative analysis of the public procurement systems of European countries, and considers the problems of the public procurement system in Ukraine. Taking into account the significant influence of the public procurement system on the development of the national economy, measures are proposed to preserve the country's strategic, innovative, control, social, regulatory and stimulating functions. Practical significance of research results. An organizational model is proposed for the systematization of information about the current system of public procurement in Ukraine and for further analysis of its development prospects. It was noted that the system of public procurement in Ukraine is one of the best in the world, and is aimed at the constant fight against corruption; therefore it needs continuous improvement towards its automation.


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How to Cite
Pedchenko, N., Kudatskyi, O., & Pedchenko, M. (2023). PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN UKRAINE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (108), 31-35.