• Natalia Pedchenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Oleksandr Lutsenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Vladyslav Kosmin Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Denis Shibkovskyi Poltava University of Economics and Trade.
  • Inna Derpach Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: scientific and methodical approaches, management, enterprise, uncertainty, rating, financial potential, comprehensive assessment


The article focuses on scientific and methodical approaches to managing enterprises in the face of uncertainty, based on a comprehensive assessment of their financial potential. The purpose of the article is to explore and substantiate the scientific and methodological approaches to the management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty based on a comprehensive assessment of its financial potential. Methodology of the research. The research employs the empirical methods, namely experiment, observation, description; theoretical methods, namely analysis, synthesis, abstraction, explanation, classification; economic and mathematical methods, namely the ranking method, the "sum of places" method, the method of determining the class of the borrower enterprise, the spectrum-point method; generalization of the results – for formulating the research conclusions. The results. Four groups of financial ratios have been identified according to the company's activities: liquidity, business activity, financial stability and profitability. A set of criteria and indicators that meet the requirements for the selection of such indicators was proposed. The calculation of the comprehensive assessment of the financial potential and the selection of the benchmark indicator were carried out. When comparing the results obtained by the rating evaluation method, the "sum of places" method, the method of determining the class of the borrower enterprise, and the spectrum-score method, they were found to be in agreement. The applied methodological approaches provided a comprehensive assessment of the state of the enterprise and revealed the reasons for its change. The practical significance of the research findings. Proven scientific and methodical approaches to managing the enterprise in uncertain conditions, based on a comprehensive assessment, have facilitated the identification of both positive and negative aspects of the company's operations. This knowledge allows to focuse efforts on improving these areas.


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How to Cite
Pedchenko, N., Lutsenko, O., Kosmin, V., Shibkovskyi, D., & Derpach, I. (2023). SCIENTIFIC AND METHODICAL APPROACHES TO ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IN THE FACE OF UNCERTAINTY, THROUGH A COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF ITS FINANCIAL POTENTIAL. Scientific Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. A Series of “Economic Sciences”, (2 (108), 7-14.