Marketing approach to definitionand formation of educational motivation of students
Annotation. The purpose of the article consists in substantiating the expediency of using a marketing approach in determining and forming students' motivation for educational and cognitive activities in higher educational institutions. Research methodology. Achievement the goal set in the article was achieved using the following methods research: logical generalization and scientific abstraction, structural analysis, analytical method. Results. The article examines the concept of "motivation", characterizes the factors affecting the formation of motivation to study, gives and analyzes the results of a marketing research on the educational motivation of students of different courses and age groups, and systematizes the main motivations for studying students in higher educational institutions. A marketing approach is proposed that allows identifying the perceived need for cognitive activity based on the student's already existing interest and transforming it into the student's motivation to study. The evidence of the positive result of the influence of the proposed approach to the formation of the motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students in the process of their studies in higher educational institutions is the results of the questionnaire of students of Kharkiv National University of Economics named after Semyon Kuznets . Based on the results of the research, it was found that the motivation to study differs in junior and senior years. Internal motivation and interest in the chosen specialty prevails in the motivation to study of junior year students, while in senior year students, a more external motivation is formed, focused on professionalism and the possibility of career growth. In the course of marketing research, it was determined that the motivation of junior year students is dominated by "educational and cognitive" and "social motive", while senior year students are dominated by "professional motive" and the motive of "creative self-realization". This indicates a desire to obtain as much information as possible, which can be useful for further professional activity and is aimed at interaction with the social environment. Practical significance results research. Use in practice proposed theoretical and applied approaches will allow to increase the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities, which has an important impact on the productivity of learning, the level of personality development and its desire for self-development.
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